CallClerk - Database Not Found Window
If the CallClerk database is missing from where CallClerk expects it to be, CallClerk will display the CallClerk Database Not Found window at start-up.
The location of where CallClerk expected to find the CallClerk database is shown at the top of this window.
Options you can chose include:
Try Again |
This is used when the CallClerk database may have become temporarily unavailable, for example when it is stored on the network and the network was temporarily down |
Find the database |
This is used to manually locate the CallClerk database on your system
Restore the database from a previous backup |
This is used to restore the database from a previous backup. The backup could have been made through an earlier backup using the backup function on the CallClerk Settings - Database window, or by an earlier copy of the CallClerk.mdb to a backup location |
Create a new empty database
If you select this a new empty database will be created at the location identified a the top of the CallClerk Database Not Found window. |
Ignore |
CallClerk will continue to run but some functions will not be available. |
Exit CallClerk |
CallClerk will be exited (stopped). |
Click the [OK] button to have CallClerk act upon the option you have chosen.
Here is what the CallClerk Database Not Found window looks like: